Delivery KPI

To the warehouse in time -
In time cargo arrival to the warehouse.
How do we count?

We compare original announced cargo arrival date in receipt with the real date when cargo was scanned at the warehouse. Accordance of this indexes testifies that the company fulfills its obligations to its customers.

Travel time –average transportation time of one direction.
Storage before issuing –average actual time of storage before issuing.
How do we count?

Travel time: We calculate the time between the real date when cargo was scanned at the warehouse and the date of dispatch. We keep count in full hours. All days off and holidays are taken into account.

Storage before issuing: We calculate the difference between a time of carrying out an act of delivery to the client and the real time when cargo is scanned at the warehouse.

readiness to recommend Delivery company to partners, friends, relatives.
How do we count?

Random representational selection from 1000 respondents by the telephone survey. On the basis of received estimates, we devide all customers in 3 groups: 9-10 points « supporters»,7-8 points « neutrals», 0-6 points «critics». NPS = proportion of supporters – proportion of critics We organize an independent research once in 3 months. NPS index at different economic branches has an essential difference due to the peculiarities of business processes and isn’t able to achieve 100 %.

Door to door service in time –
in time address delivery.
How do we count?

We compare original announced cargo arrival date in receipt of the recipient address with carrying out an act of delivery. Accordance to this indexes testify that company fulfills its obligations to its customers.

Loss of cargo – Percent of cargo loss in total delivery amount.
Damage of cargo – damaged cargo proportion in total delivery amount.
Customer complaints – Percent of complaints in customers total amount.
Receipts complaints – percentage of complaints in total amount of deliveries.
How do we count?

Loss of cargo: We compare the amount of goods, which have been lost with the total amount of cargo which has been delivered in a month.

Damage of cargo: We compare the amount of cargos, which have been damaged with the total amount of cargo, which has been delivered.

Customer complaints: We compare quantity of complaints, which have come from dispatchers and recipients with total amount of clients.

Receipts complaints: We compare quantity of complaints with total amount of executed receipts.

level of satisfaction by Delivery service.
How do we count?

Random representational selection from 1000 respondents by the telephone survey. It's calculated from comprehensive assessment by clients important characteristics. Every surveyed client appraises company work according to 10-points scale.