«Delivery» has held table tennis tournament

The first table tennis tournament took place on December 24, 2016 in Novograd Volunsky. Among the participants were clients and stuff members of the Company. This competition was coincided with the 15th anniversary of the Logistic Company.
Children's sports school coach of table tennis Volodymir Burkovskiy was a main judge of the competition. Volodymir Burkovskiy granted the right to open the tournament to the youngest 4-year-old sportsman. The game were attended 16 people.
Six sportsmen reached the final:
1st place – Oleksandr Doga
2d place – Vadim Vratslav
3d place – Oleksandr Lavrenchuk
4d – Pavlo Denisuk
5th – Vasiliy Garbovskiy
6th – Vasiliy Kasyan
All participants of the tournament were awarded with gifts and certificates of appreciation.